After FDA rejection, Vivos Therapeutics’ mouthpiece finally cleared to treat sleep apnea
Sleep apnea solutions are temporary.
The gold standard is a reverse vacuum cleaner forcing air down your airway while you sleep. If you’re 13, 31, or 91 it’s the same treatment. A life attached to a hose for the rest of your life. Not a big deal when you’re over 60, well, not as big as when you’re 13!
Vivos is an appliance that gets to the ROOT of the problem and treats the cause by developing the upper arch to make breathing in your sleep easier. It is the only gadget that is FDA-cleared for sleep apnea with permanent results AND an endpoint treatment plan that is far less than – the rest of your life.
Shirley Gutkowski Diane Romary and Elizabeth Dooher Anthony at work together with dentists who are using this appliance regularly. Let’s see WHY you or your loved one has sleep apnea, find the root cause, and fix it once and for all!!…/after-fda-rejection…
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