How is mouth breathing affecting you?

How is mouth breathing affecting you?

Babies learn nose breathing just after stepping into this giant world. Isn’t it amazing that human creates difficulty for themselves when they move away from nature?

Do you know why I am emphasizing on nose breathing because they are a lot of diseases associated with mouth breathing? (1)

We will mention this here some of the problems associated with mouth breathing for your attention like Dry mouth, snoring, bad breath, frequent tiredness, daytime sleepiness, reduced appetite, nutritional changes, learning deficit, and damage in some sensory systems, with evidence of changes in the taste and smell. (678)

Why do we start breathing from the mouth?

(a)Nasal allergies (4,5)

(b)Enlarged adenoids

(c)Nasal Obstruction (123

(d)Structure of nose 

(e)restricted tongue 

(f) or maybe any tumor

How is mouth breathing affecting you?

Other conditions like sleep apnea can occur due to mouth breathing while you sleep. When a sleep apnea episode happens, you stop breathing. Often the tongue falls into the airway, forcing the mouth to open to take air when you start mouth breathing. It makes your brain panic, which leads to a loud snore as your body suddenly gasps for air. These events can create a habit of mouthbreathing as the breathing center in the brain becomes accustomed to imbalances in blood oxygen. 

How can we help you?

Our team of experts will identify the cause of your mouth breathing; They may suggest a definite series of mouth exercises, like yoga for the mouth. We may recommend using a unique design pillow and avoiding alcohol, or we may direct you to a physician or surgeon for evaluation if your nose structure is the reason.

Some book notes for you to practice by yourself

Here is a list of home remedies that you can try to better your mouth breathing habit.

 (a)Keep your nose clean to remove dust which might be the reason for allergy.

(b) Use a unique design pillow that makes it easier to breathe from the nose while sleeping.

 (c)Practice inhaling & exhaling from the nose if you require our appointment so we can help you.


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